About Us
Chokhani Global Express Limited (CGEL) was promoted by Shri Jagdish Chokhani and incorporated in 1991. The main business of CGEL is to carry on in India or in any part of the national and International courier business and also to carry on in India or in any part of the world the business of national and international freight and cargo, transportation, holding, packing and distributing either by own arrangement or through the representatives or agents. The IPO came in 1992.
Shri Jagdish Chokhani (Chairman & Managing Director)
Shri Vinesh Bansal (Director Independent)
Shri Shiv Kumar Mandelia (Director Independent)
Smt. Rekha Suresh Goenka (Non Executive Woman Director)
Audit Committee:-
Shri Shiv Kumar Mandelia (Chairman)
Shri Jagdish Chokhani (Member)
Shri Vinesh Bansal (Member)
B.K Shroff & Co.
Chartered Accountants
New Delhi
Indian Bank